By Megan - January 10, 2019

I know I suck. The truth is I've had a mentally draining couple of weeks. Yes my antidepressants are working but only to a point. So far my 2019 has been a battle with panic attacks and stress. I'm working on it, but as this is a mental health blog I'm hoping you understand my reasoning or excuses and just bare with me. I'll get there, eventually but I know I will.

I was excited to write about my 2018 and all the highs and lows I went through. While it was  an eventful year, due to mental health and physical health, I didn't actually do that much. I got into a really healthy and supportive relationship at the beginning of the year, and I'm still in said relationship which honestly is probably one of the best things about my life at the minute. Things are great in that department, and I can honestly say I've never felt more secure.

In May I went on my first holiday with a partner which was both nerve wracking and super exciting at the same time. We'd only been together for four months and we were spending a week in a hotel room together so I was a little nervous we'd start getting in each other's way and start arguing, but it was actually probably one of the highlights of my year. He also experienced me having a panic attack for the first time before we got the train. Not one of my finest moments, but hey, shit happens.

A lot of my year's highs and lows have included my boyfriend which is a good thing. We've recently been through a massive dip in our own mental health and we've done nothing but support one another and it's just made us so much stronger. Get you a man who can smush Chinese Chicken into your nose on your first date but can also get you to instantly calm down when having a panic attack in the middle of the road. Things couldn't be better.

In October I also started a degree in Educational Studies, and started volunteering in a Primary School two days a week. So far it's been great, and I've really enjoyed it, even if I've let my mental health get in the way a few times. The important thing is that I recognise it, and let everyone involved know. Since telling my tutors and the teachers I work with, I've felt far less pressure which has been a massive help.

I did want to do a month-by-month with lots of pictures, and I did draft one like that but it was very long, and most of it was just me reminiscing about times where I had money and could afford to go out properly. It actually kind of made me a bit glum, so I thought I'd just sum up my year like this instead.

It was a great year, and while it took a turn at the end, I'm so grateful I've had supportive people with me through this entire dip in my anxiety.

This post isn't at all what I wanted it to be. But sometimes things don't happen the way you want them to but you make do and do the best you can. I'm hoping my 2019 will be much more eventful, and I'm hoping my 2019 in review will be much more interesting

Hopefully I'll actually post on time tomorrow, I'm not sure what the post will be about, but I have a few ideas floating in my brain, it's just about whether I can actually put them into words like I want to.

Until next time,
-M x

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