1. People
I hate people. I don't think I'm in the minority when it comes to that. The amount of bad news I read on my phone almost daily, the amount of less than tolerable customers I had to deal with on a daily basis when I worked in retail, and the sheer amount of people on the internet who think they're better than everyone else. There's a big but in there though, and that is the people I do love make up for everything. The people I love and who love me back are always on my mind if I'm having a tough time, I know who I can talk to if I need to, and when I'm at my lowest, it's mostly thinking about everyone I love that pulls me back up. It's cliche, I know. But it is what it is.
2. Hobbies
As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, everyone needs a distraction. If you're the sort to start a project and not let it go unfinished because you're so passionate about it then why would you leave it? Make it the best thing you have ever made, sink way too much time into it and be proud of something you've made from scratch. This could be anything, although I'm using arts and crafts as my example because that's currently what I'm sinking my time into (instead of anything productive... like uni. Oops). If you get to the lowest point, try and remember what makes you happy, what do you like doing that you can just lose yourself in? Surely that will always be better than losing yourself to yourself.
3. Summer
Another cliche one. I don't know about anyone else, but while my depression is definitely all year round, it's definitely worse in the winter. I'm cold most of the time in the summer as well, so you can only imagine how miserable I am in the winter. In the summer, there's lots of sun which scientifically is good for a mini mood boost. Something about sunny weather and warmth of the sun just makes me so happy, and I'm always looking forward to the next day I'm able to walk around a park and just listen to the peacefulness of the summer. I can definitely tell you how much I've been crazing my boyfriend to walk around the park with me when it's been warm out. He asks if I'm okay when we're just sitting, I think he thinks I'm overthinking things because that's my natural state, but the truth is I'm just enjoying the sunshine and the quiet of the park. There's something very cathartic about it and it just floats my boat in all the right ways
4. Music
I don't actually think any of these aren't cliche. Music is amazing. If I'm feeling low, it's a good idea for me to stick some upbeat music on and force myself to have a sing song. Singing always puts me in a good mood, and if I'm up for it I'll even dance. Sometimes it's good to be sat in silence and enjoy that but when you're just sat there thinking nothing but badness, it's nice to have a little audio getaway and just enjoy the music, focusing on that rather than anything you might be overthinking.
5. Plans
Now I'm not one to make a lot of plans with people other than my boyfriend (mostly because I don't have any friends but we'll skip ahead on that fact). Plans are something I need in my life. At the moment my only plans are at weekends to see my boyfriend, and something I'm getting back into in June is going to school to volunteer for two days a week. Assuming I'm not the only one that likes a bit of structure in their day-to-day lives, it's important for us to have that, but more importantly to have something to look forward to. I don't know what I would do if suddenly I was looking at the foreseeable future and not know anything that was happening, even if it was something small. I always need to have something going on, which is a reason my degree has been so helpful to me these past few months, and why I haven't deferred like I was debating when I was first signed off due to mental health.
I know different things work for different people. These are just the things that work for me, and I'm by no means saying that this list is my complete list, it's probably just the things I can write most about. Other things seem very random and boring to talk about for a blog post. My point being is that there are always things we can count on to help us back up if we fall down. They might be one or more of what I've talked about today, there might be more, there might be less but the important thing to take not of is that there is something. Even if it seems so small, like maybe you want to keep living through to day to eat your cheesy curly fries this evening. Maybe you're feeling low, but all you need is to buy a new pair of shoes to help give you a little pick-me-up. If it works, it works and like I said at the beginning, there's no use overthinking how small it is. If it's something you know helps, then don't just disregard it.
Until next time,
-M x